Agate’s had a booth at the Chicago Tribune Printers Row Lit Fest for the last nine years. It’s always a fun event, bringing together publishers, booksellers, and book lovers from around Chicago. This year, we’re proud to bring several of our authors for panels and signings. Also, be sure to visit our tent just north of the intersection of Polk and Dearborn for lots of discounted Agate titles.
Saturday, June 9th
11:15 am – Anna Blessing, author of LOCALLY GROWN, will be discussing farmers markets and sustainable eating at the Good Eating stage, with Janine MacLachlan, chef Sarah Stegner of Prairie Grass Cafe, and Monica Eng.
1:00 pm – Agate president Doug Seibold talks about the new Agate Digital ebook partnership with the Chicago Tribune’s Geoff Brown at the Trib Nation stage.
2:30 pm – Anupy Singla signs copies of her best-selling THE INDIAN SLOW COOKER and her new cookbook VEGAN INDIAN COOKING at Agate’s tent T, north of Polk and Dearborn.
Sunday, June 10th
1:00 pm – Monica Pedersen, author of MONICA PEDERSEN MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL, discusses design and entertaining the Chicago way, with Chicago Home and Garden editor Jan Parr, author of CHICAGO SPACES: INSPIRING INTERIORS, at the Good Eating stage.
3:15 pm – Anupy Singla demonstrates Indian cooking from her new cookbook VEGAN INDIAN COOKING at the Center stage.