We are happy to announce that the new book by Agate Surrey author Eric Felten has just been published by Simon and Schuster: it’s called Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue, and it was excerpted in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, to which Eric has contributed for the past 20 years. It’s already gotten a terrific review from Kirkus, and it’s bound to get many more.
Eric is a terrific writer and a wide-ranging thinker, as anyone knows who reads his “Postmodern Times” column in the WSJ. That column succeeded his “How’s Your Drink?”, which was the basis of Eric’s book by the same name that Agate Surrey published a few years back (that’s him below, signing copies at our Chicago publication party for How’s Your Drink?). We hope you’ll buy his new book–and if you haven’t bought his old one, we hope you’ll buy that too. Congratulations, Eric!